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Gusto mo ba ng TESDA Courses na ONLINE lang?![🤳](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tf1/1/16/1f933.png)
We got you, TESDA is already offering selected courses online thru TOP
“TESDA Online Program (TOP) is a web-based platform that offers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the technical education and skills development of the Filipino workers.
Through the use of information and communication technologies, the TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training at the learner’s own space and time.”
- 21st Century Skills
- Agriculture
- Automotive and Land Transport
- Construction
- Electrical and Electronics
- Entrepreneurship
- FREE Courses Relevant to COVID-19 Management
- Gender and Development (GAD)
- Heating, Ventilating, Airconditioning and Refrigeration Technology
- Human Health/ Health Care
- Information and Communication Technology
- Lifelong Learning Skills
- Maritime
- Process Food and Beverages
- Social, Community Development and Others
- Tourism
- TESDA Capability Building Programs for TESDA Employees
- TOP Courses with Accessibility Features
- International Labour Organization (ILO) Online Courses
- Tech Team
#TESDA#TESDA10Wheretransformingliveshappen #securedfuturewithinreach#TESDAAbotLahat #TESDAONLINEPROGRAM#FREEONLINECOURSES
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