TESDA-LNNAIS conducted a graduation ceremony for the coconut farmers scholars at Tubod Cultural Center, Poblacion, Tubod, Lanao del Norte last February 28, 2023. Janice C. Vaflor, LNNAIS Instructor II, presented 75 CFSP scholars of the graduating class. Mr. Maynard C. Jumawan, the LNNAIS VSA II, confirmed the 25 graduates of Agricultural Crops Production NC III, and 50 graduates of Agricultural Crops Production NC I.

Mr. Reynan A. Quimada (ACP NC III), Ms. Julieta E. Masicampo (ACP NC I) and Ms. Lani Buca (ACP NC I) gave the class impression. After the distribution of certificates to the graduates, Ms. Nelly M. Pepito, a Sanggunian Bayan Member of Tubod, represented Mr. Dionisio Y. Cabahug, Jr., the Municipaly Mayor of Tubod. She expressed her gratitude to TESDA, and challenged the graduates to use their skills for livelihood. Also, she conveyed the Mayor’s support to the graduates in developing their own farms.

Engr. Mohammad-Faiz M. Macakiling, Acting Division Chief, PCA -LDN, expressed his gratitude to TESDA-LNNAIS as a partner in the implementation of the government program. He put emphasis on Republic Act No. 11524 as a means to support the coconut farmers. He encouraged the graduates to strengthen the association or create an association for more chances of receiving governments projects/assistance.

Mr. Maynard C. Jumawan, Vocational School Administrator II of LNNAIS, congratulated the graduates for completing the program. He encouraged the graduates to create organizations that could assist the sustainability of the program. He also express his support to Mayor Cabahug’s plan to make Tubod a “Fruit Basket” in Lanao del Norte. The ceremony ended with the singing of TESDA Hymn and a photo opportunity.