Twenty (20) school personnel participated in the Library Management Mini Lecture Series #1 last February 5, 2024, at Nelieta Hall, LNNAIS Extension Campus. Ms. Floriezel Madrid-Paslaaw, the School Librarian, facilitated this session with a focus on the Introduction to Records Management.
The topic addressed the challenges posed by the information explosion to records managers. The discussion also emphasized the importance of records management, and described how records are classified and used in businesses within an organization. The hybrid participants engage in both face-to-face discussions and online session via Google Meet, followed by a mini workshop to assess the participant’s understanding. The participants were grouped into five (5) and tasked to categorize documents based on type of use, place of use and value.

Extension Campus participants join the face-to-face discussion.

Participants in the Main Campus join via Google Meet.

Participants brainstorm to complete their tasks