Mr. Maynard C. Jumawan, LNNAIS VSA II, welcomed the participants of the school’s Valentine’s Day Celebration. The participants, composite of school personnel and diploma program students, also observed the National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation. Consequently, a symposium titled “Unified Hearts: True Love’s Resilience in the Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation” was also conducted for the seventy-five (75) diploma trainees held at the LNNAIS Main Campus. This activity aims to raise awareness and foster a culture of safety and respect. The resource speaker, Pastor Angelo Bjorn A. Omambing, provided valuable insights on healthy relationships, consent, respect, and integrating religious values in the mission to combat sexual abuse.

The Vocational School Administrator delivers a welcome message.

Pastor Angelo shares his insights about the topic.

Group picture with the Resource Person.