Staff Development

Bootstrap Example

Staff Development (Industry Immersion Program)

Ten agriculture trainers attended the 40-hour Industry Immersion Program last June 10 to 16. 2024 at Julimons Nature Farm, Tawantawan, Initao, Misamis Oriental. Mr. Drexel Maghanoy, the farm manager, gave orientation and rotational task assignments to the group in these areas: Large and Small Ruminants (Group 1) Grower 1 and 2 (Group 2), Brooder and Breeder (Group 3).

In day two, group 1 were assigned in Grower 1 and 2; they performed cleaning, feeding and providing water to the 260 heads of grower chicks in Grower 1 area and 1,700 chicks in Grower 2 area. Group 2 were assigned in Brooder and Breeder; they fed 2,000 heads of brooding chicks in Brooder area and 350 heads in Breeder area. Group 3 were assigned in Large and Small Ruminants with 50 heads of Large Ruminants (Cattle and Buffalo) and 3 heads of Pseudo-ruminant (Horse), 130 heads of Small Ruminants (Sheep and Goat). The tasked they performed in this station were: feed mixing (forage, malt, concentrates and salt), feeding, providing water, milking in goats and rearing of kid (providing milk using milk bottle).

In day three, after doing their task in their station, they proceeded to the incubation area to perform harvesting of the newly hatched chick and transferring them to the brooding area, and egg candling to the 10-day-old eggs. After this task, they moved to the goat area and provided vitamin B-Complex through intramuscular injection and fenbendazole as an anthelmintic through oral medication to 85 heads.

Bootstrap Example

1st photo is during the orientation, 2nd to 7th photo is the everyday mandatory photo op with the farm manager and care taker, and the last is the receiving of certificate

Bootstrap Example

Grower 1 and Grower 2 Area: performing feeding, providing water and doing 5s with the feeding trough and waterer

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Brooder and Breeder area: performing feeding, collection of egg, providing water and doing 5s with the feeding trough and waterer.

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Large and Small Ruminant Area: performing mixing of concentrates (malt) and forages (indegofera, napier) and providing feeds and water.

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Pasturing the Horse, giving milk to the kid and performing hand milking of doe .

Bootstrap Example

Performing lassoing, providing vitamin B-complex and Fenbendazole to Large and Small Ruminant, Pseudo-ruminant and providing ivermectin to rabbit .

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Harvesting of newly-hatched egg and conducting an egg candling to a 10-day-old eggs at the incubator area.

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Planting of forages – Napier, Indego, Trichantera.

Bootstrap Example

During distribution of Certificates.

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