TESDA – Lanao Norte National Agro-Industrial School conducted a 56-day training course on Agricultural Crops Production NCIII, Under Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP), from May 14 to July 31, 2024. This program benefitted 25 residents (2 males and 23 females) from Barangay Pualas, Tubod, Lanao del Norte. Ms. Chary B. Lumayag, the school's Designated Guidance Advocate, led a face-to-face Training Induction Program for these trainees at the farmer's communal garden on May 14, 2024.
Emilio A. Unabia, Jr., the technical expert for Agricultural Crops Production NC III, facilitated the face-to-face training. He assigned tasks to the 25 trainees (2 males and 23 females), focusing on the effective use of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment. The trainees were also given demonstrations on various agricultural tasks, including preparing land for crop production, implementing post-harvest operation and plant nutrition programs, controlling weeds, preparing and applying chemicals, establishing/maintaining and harvesting agronomic crops, saving, preparing, and storing agricultural seeds, and implementing vertebrate pest control programs.
Mr. Winkler D. Chavez and Ms. Precy Mae O. Villanueva administered the institutional assessment to the 25 ACP NC III trainees (2 Males, 23 Females). All 25 trainees passed the institutional assessment Written test, Performance test and interview.
Mr. Richard Talaid, competency assessor for Agricultural Crop Production NC III, administered the national competency assessment for 25 candidates (2 Males, 23 Females) at LNNAIS Main Campus on August 9, 10, and 11, 2024. All 25 candidates received a "competent" remarks. This batch of ACP NCIII has a training completion rate of 100 %, and a passing rate of 100%.