TESDA – Lanao Norte National Agro-Industrial School implemented the face-to-face 5-day training on Community-Based Trainers Methodology Course
last November 4 to 8, 2024 at Kauswagan Manpower Development Center Office, Kauswagan International Organic Convention Center, Kauswagan LDN.
The 11 participants of this program were composite of 6 trainers from Kauswagan, 4 trainers from Kolambugan, and 1 trainer from LNNAIS (3
Females, 8 Males).
During the opening program, Mr. Julius Caesar II Gascon, the CTEC Officer of LGU Kauswagan, welcomed the trainers and participants. Mr. Maynard
C. Jumawan, LNNAIS VSA II, gave the statement of purpose for CBTMC. Ms. Jeneveb B. Respondo, LNNAIS Registrar Designate, recognized each
participants of the training program. Ms. Queeny Twinkle N. Enyong, LNNAIS VIS Designate, presented the overview of CBTMC, and administered the
Ms. Fatima Rose M. Bihag, Ms. Jeneveb M. Beroy, and Mr. Winkler D. Chavez facilitated the conduct of training for four (4) Units of Competencies,
namely, Develop the Training Program, Organize the Training Program, Deliver the Training Program, Review the Training Program. The 11 trainer-
participants submitted outputs and demonstrated micro-teaching task required to complete the training.
Ms. Queeny Twinkle N. Enyong, and Mr. Emilio A. Unabia Jr., facilitated the Institutional Assessment to the 11 trainer-participants (3 Females, 8
Males) in CBTMC last November 8, 2024. All trainer-participants (3 Females, 8 Males) passed the Institutional Assessment.
This batch of CBTMC has a training completion rate of 100%.

The CTEC Officer of LGU Kauswagan, Mr. Julius Caesar II Gascon, welcomes the learning facilitators, and trainer-participants of CBTMC

Mr. Maynard C. Jumawan, LNNAIS VSA II, gives the statement of purpose of CBTMC.

Ms. Queeny Twinkle N. Enyong, LNNAIS VIS Designate, presents the overview of CBTMC

Ms. Fatima Rose M. Bihag, learning facilitator, presents the module 1 Develop the Training Program.

The trainer-participants collaborate to complete their assigned tasks.

The trainer-participants demonstrate the micro-teaching skills required to complete the training.

The trainer-participants perform team-teaching and undergo the interview during the institutional assessment.